Tuesday 4 November 2014

Immersion and Simulation

Immersion and simulation
This refers to the lecture we had on Immersion and Simulation. Immersion is also called as virtual reality. This means that you are not a part of the ‘real’ world. One gets immersed into something that may not exist in reality. The best example could be gaming. There can be many reasons as to why people like to be a part of it. One of the reasons could be that it gives a false sense of achievement. This could be self-destructive. And not to forget, it is also highly addictive.

There is a saying that the average man who does not know what to do with his life, wants another one which will last forever. TRUE. Internet is a great contributor to immersion. According to Ernest W. Adams, there are three types of immersions:
Tactical immersion
Tactical immersion is experienced when performing tactile operations that involve skill. Players feel "in the zone" while perfecting actions that result in success.
Strategic immersion
Strategic immersion is associated with mental challenge. Chess players experience strategic immersion when choosing a correct solution among a broad array of possibilities.
Narrative immersion
Narrative immersion occurs when players become invested in a story, and is similar to what is experienced while reading a book or watching a movie.

Today we have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and many other forms of social media where one can portray oneself as someone else. Who really has five hundreds friends in real life? But in the virtual world you do. There is a thin line between reality and virtual reality. And it is scaring how quickly it can fade away.  Getting more likes, friends or followers has become a competition not only on the internet but also in real life. This comes in the category of simulation as well. Simulation is used to create alternate solutions to reality. Consider the astronaut training. Outer space conditions are created on earth using various aspects of physics for the astronauts. This is one just one form of simulation. Immersion and simulation both are used in many areas like computers, engineering, mechanics, finance etc. , healthcare and also in entertainment like films, theme parks etc.
One of the most important people to contribute in this field is Maurice Benayoun. This is some of his work.

                                                             Le Diable est-il courbe? (Is the devil curved?), 1995

Cosmopolis (2005), Maurice Benayoun's Giant Virtual Reality Interactive Installation

                                              World Skin (1997), Maurice Benayoun's Virtual Reality Interactive Installation