Monday 10 November 2014

Project Proposal

NOVEMBER 10, 2014.
                                                            DIGITAL MEDIA FOUNDATIONS
                                            PROPOSAL FOR THE GROUP PROJECT (2014 - 2015).
1.       Concept – It’s a Stop motion video.  The main subject is- safety for women. I was inspired by Vogue group’s campaign on safety for girls on road. My target audience is everyone excluding very small kids. It’s for everyone around the world irrespective of gender, race or country. I want to highlight that if everyone takes responsibility and start caring about it, safety for women won’t be an impossible thing.

2.    Project Requirements – The estimated resources required to complete the project include: equipment like computers and cameras. I’ll add graphics and audio so I’ll need software like After Effects, Premiere Pro and Photoshop as well. I’ll need actors and an appropriate location to shoot.

3. Project Timeline – It will take approximately eight weeks to complete the project.                                                     
Week 1: Explaining the concept to the actors and handing over the script.
Week 2: Finalizing a location.
Week 3: Shooting.
Week 4: Shooting.
Week 5: Editing.
Week 6: Editing.
Week 7: Editing.
      Week 8: Complete.
4.    Product Description – As mentioned earlier, it highlights how simply caring and taking responsibility can make a big difference when it comes to safety for women. I am hoping it to be a thought provoking video. It’ll show how a simple gesture can save or change someone’s life. The internet is going to be a big tool when it comes to promoting the project. The best way of making it reach is posting it on YouTube and sharing it on social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.).

5.       Storyboard –  The story will have four main scenes:

Scene 1: A girl is walking on the street alone. Two guys see her and start walking towards her. She gets scared.

Scene 2: A man watches this so he pretends that he knows the girl and calls her in the house. She is in a vulnerable position so she chooses to go in. She is as scared as she was before.

Scene 3: The man comforts her.

Scene 4: He makes sure that she reaches home safely.